Importing into Canada
The Import Process
Step1: Obtain a Business Number.
Before importing commercial goods into Canada you need to obtain a Business Number (BN) issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a business or an individual. This import/export account is free of charge. The BN ends with RM0001. Contact CRA at 1-800-959-5525 or visit the CRA's Business Registration Online
Step 2: Determine the goods you want to import and ensure that they are permitted into Canada. Identify their 10-digit classification numbers. Most trading countries use the Harmonized System HS as a basis of their classification.
Step 3: Open a client account with us by filling out the power of attorney (POA)form and the customer registration form on our Become a Client page. Submit the POA form with relevant documents to We will open your account immediately after receiving the documents.